How To Setup Dark Comet RAT for....Hacking Computers......

Ok in this thread I will show to the people who don't know how to setup DarkComet RAT v3.0.
I will show how setting up the client and how creating a server with the best settings for run under the most different configurations and ensure there are not compatibility issues with the systems.

Also I provide a package with some extra tools needed in the tuto:

- I coded a very simple runtime crypter to show people how DarkComet can be encrypted without problems with a decent crypter. The detection rate is low only detected by Avira and a-squared. Theorically it can run under x64 systems and of course x86 and under all systems xp/vista/seven.

- I provide a little upx gui tool i found to compress the server and make it size only 250kb without breaking it. The tool is perfect for noobs no command line

-All comes configured and obviously clean and tested

With all of that i only want to show to people how DarkComet can work like charm if its configured correctly and how its perfectly cryptable and the server can be very light.

Download DarkComet RAT v3.0 package

As you notice english is not my first language so dont be a fag and start flaming about this.

Ok after you download the package lets go

After downloading the package i provide extract it and open the folder you will see this content on the folder. Contains the same as de official bundle offered by DarkCoderSC and my crypter, the app to compress the server and the config files of DarkComet. You will notice the DarkComet RAT size is less than the original thats because i compressed it with the compressor when i was testing it.

Execute DarkComet. You will see the main of the program. As you can see the author make good joob with the gui.

The version i provide comes configured so you will ready to use it without troubles. The main part of the client is the general settings were you can configure the appearence of the program and some other accesibility options. One important option here is the password take in mind that if its wrong and its not the same you provided to the server connection attempts wil be refused. I'm sure the main reason of see lot of noobs who start threads regarding darkcomet is because they don't type the correct password and other stupid mistakes like this. Dont be another fag and pay attention to this little things.

In socket list you will see the ports are monitored by the client to establish the desired connections with the servers. As you can see i configured it as by default at port 1604 and with upnp activated. If your router supports upnp port forwarding will do automatically.
What i mean with port forwarding?
To establish connections between the client and the server the port must be open in the router if not the router will refuse all connection attempts and you will look like stupid faggot crying because dont recive any connection and darkcomet its a shit.
I will dont explain here how open the ports on you router(port forwarding) on google there are lot of guides and i don't want to lost more time with it.

To add more listening ports you can do it clicking on listen on the menu or right clicking the listview of the sockets in the socket list tab.

Click in server module and you will see the server builder

Double click to the left column settings-01 and you will show this messagebox that will ensure the settings i configured are loaded over the default settings.

The edit server mode is important to remember if you have in mind to crypt the server. RES mode is compatible with the vast majority of the crypters EOF mode is only compatible with the crypters that support EOF Data like crypters that works with Bifrost.
In password field you need to provide the same password configured in the client if you dont type the same, connections cant be established. The pass i configured with the client is DarkComet.
The mutex is used to avoid to run more than one instance of the server on the same computer to avoid issues.

Here you can configure the ip where the server will connect type your no-ip you have and the port you forwarded correctly and is open and used by the client.

Here you can configure the installation options of the server. The image shows the settings i recommend. Using the app path will ensure your server installs correctly in evrey systems also in systems with limited users privileges. Otherwise the server will fail to install itself and will run on the directory is located. So is and other very important setting to have in mind its not a good scenario run visible on the desktop because it was configured to install itself in system32 and failed because dont have the necessary privileges. The settings i recommend ensure server will be stable and you dont lost connections. Change the name of the process and the folder if you want.

The other options they aren't really important are optional you can decide to bind the file with another or shield even more the server to ensure you dont lost connections but i noticed activating the persistance option of the shield makes the server unkillable even for yourself that you dont be able to uninstall or close the server. Other options like kill some process of windows and other i dont recommend it.

Also you can type a message that will show when the server is executed it can be useful to confuse who executes it and make him believe its corrupt or something like this or evidently you can be a faggot and show to him hes hacked by the supadupa hacker.

You can decide activate the offline keylogger. If you forgot like me to activate me doesnt matter you can activate it later

Final step to get your server you only need to click to the build button and thats all.
You will be askin why we dont compress the server in this step the reason is because seems to dont work very good and dont compress the server as we will compress later that will be reduce a lot the size of the server.

Go to the UPX frontend folder and execute the upxfrontend exe. You will see that window. I think i configured correctly it but if not be sure is configured as in this image of this app will broke your server and will not work. Be sure is configured as in the image. Press start compression and you will see the server is reduced to only 250kbs. Its very small taking in mind the huge functions darkcomet has. Compare it with cybergate that have a lot less functions and the size of the server is the same.
This process cant be maked after crypting the server first the server needs to be packed and then crypted or the server will be broken.

Go to the DarkComet Crypter folder and run the client. Click when it indicated and press encrypt if you selected eof data check the eof data box if not its not needed. After pressing encrypt and if it all worked correctly you will recive this messagebox.

Thats all now you have your server compressed and crypted only 250kb and detected only by avira and a-squared.

And works like a charm

Remember to use DarkComet wisely


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